Sunday, December 5, 2010

Some people do not care!

Below, I have posted a video showing a psychiatric patients death. The video is from a  hospital in New York showing a psychiatric patient falling off a chair and onto her face. She dies right on the floor without anyone doing a thing about it. The guard did nothing about it but had the time to stare at the body for an hour. The NY Civil Liberties Union sued King's Hospital last year for neglect. 

Donna Lieberman of the NY Civil Liberties Union states, "A chamber of filth, decay, indifference and danger and seats and end of culture of abuse and neglect". The medical examiner has not figured out what killed Esmen Green. Ms. Esmen was sitting in the emergency room for almost 24 hours before the time of her death. Rob Cohen also adds on that there is a culture of abuse happening to psychiatric patients.

The company that runs the psychiatric unit said, "We are shocked and distressed about the situation". They company  also stated, " It is clear that some of our employees failed to act based on our compassionate standards of care". The staff members that were involved in this situation have been suspended and fired. The video ends with a staff member attending to Ms. Emen, but her time as expired.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Do you fear death?

Recently, I asked a bunch of people I work with on their view of death. Most people told me that they fear death. They said, every time they think about death they get extremely anxious. This shock's me since I have never feared death. I feel death will be the release from a stressful life.

Most people fear death because their afraid of the unknown. Also, people that have committed crimes and other offenses feel that their souls will go to hell. Others are fearful because of the family they will leave behind. Accomplishment also has a lot to do with death anxiety. Individuals that accomplished nothing with their lives will fear death more then the person that has done a lot in life.

Way's one can get over death anxiety are very easy. Accept death,give yourself time to accept your own fate. Do not alienate the dying, they are people too. Help those who are dying, this might help you understand your own death. Most importantly, live everyday like it's your last. Living a life to the fullest will make you a better person. Following these basic steps many the person who fears death little. If you are having major problems deal with the thought of death then it's time to talk to a professional.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Child's View Of Death

Below, I'm I posted a video of "Lucky's Funeral",the video shows how a child learns a proper way of death. Children usual experience death by the death of an animal. This video shows a little girl saying goodbye to her pet fish.

The father video tapes and the little girl talks about her dead fish. Children that learn how to deal with death at an early age find it easier to deal with death as an adult. The child talks about how the fish was a good fish while it was alive. She keeps mentioning the word "dead". 

I think she knows what death is. Most children her age believe that the animal is not truly dead. They believe that the animal will return when they wake up the next day. She said, that she will always have the fish forever because she has a picture of it.

I like how the family makes a joke out of it. I think this makes it easier for the child. The funeral process for the fish was more of a celebration then a mourning process. Tell me what you think?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A wrong way to take care of the dead

In this video, a funeral director from Philadelphia is charged with illegally harvesting body parts. James Mccafter sold the bodies for $1,000 each. The cutters that cut up the bodies sold the parts to hospitals.Also, James lied to the cutters and told them that the bones of the bodies did not have disease but in fact they all had diseases. The families of the deceased were in complete shock. 
The family members learned that the bones of the bodies had been replaced with pvc piping. The families now grieve over the fact that their loved ones remains were desecrated.  Wendy Kogut told reporters that she could not believe that someone could commit a crime against her loved one. Alister Cook, the host of Masterpiece Theater, was one of the victims in this scam.
Micheal Mureno was the ringleader of the funeral home scam in New York and Pennsylvania. Micheal was charge with 16 counts in New York. Mr. Muereno will face court in Pennslyvania next month. Also, Lee Curseta the former nurse, found the  people to cut up the bodies.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saving on the basic funeral costs

Does anyone think about how much their funeral is going to cost? Of course not, who wants to think about their funeral.But if your still interested, I will share the cost of a cheap funeral. There are many ways a person can save on funeral cost.

Most families that have an open casket will have embalming done to the deceased. Embalming cost around $185-$990 (Despedler,Strickland 289). If you do not want to have an open casket , you can eliminate the cost of embalming.

The next step in saving money at a funeral is to buy the cheapest casket. Some funeral homes sell the same casket for twice the price. The average  casket cost is around $2,300 (Despendler, Strickland 292). You can always get a cheaper casket that is made out of press board.

Shopping around for the best funeral cost will help you save the most money. Do not let funeral directors talk you into buying the most expensive items. Remember, the funeral director knows your vulnerable and will try to get the most money out of you.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

First hand view of death

Dealing with death takes a lot training.  The paramedics in the video below deal with death on a daily basis. The paramedics find it easier to deal with death because of the training they have had. Their main focus is to help the person in need. Joking helps the paramedics deal with the stress of the emergency. 

After the emergency, that's when the paramedics think about what  happened during the emergency. Dealing with death has help the paramedics understand what is truly important to them. One of the paramedics describes the death of his grandparent. He continues to say that the death of a person you do not know is a lot easier to deal with.

Holding emotions back during the job helps the paramedics do their job better. The police officers that respond to the emergency scene try to hold back the family so they can take care of the situation. Paramedics are the first people to break the news of death to the family. Supporting the family is the number one focus. 

Dealing with death on a daily basis has made the paramedics understand death as a nature part of living.  Appreciating everything you have is very important. Below, I have posted the view for your viewing. I hope it helps you understand death. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pet Funeral

Dealing with the death of a pet is not easy. Just like humans, people have funerals for their pets to find closure. Depending on your financial situation you can either have a low cost funeral or a high cost funeral. 
 Below, I'm going to list three options for your pets funeral. The options are listed from the lowest to highest cost of a funeral.

Option 1:

Have a funeral in your backyard

Burying your animal in the backyard can help keep the memory of the pet close. You can bring your family closer by mourning the lost together. This will also help children deal with the idea of death.

Option 2:


If you are not so fortunate to have a backyard , you can always have your pet cremated. Cremation may cost more money but you will be able to take the ashes with you. Just as people scatter the ashes of a loved one you could do this with your beloved pet. Maybe your pet loved a certain tree this could be a great place to scatter the ashes.

Option 3:

Pet Cemetery

If you lack the land to bury your pet and cremation is not an option , you can always bury your pet at a pet cemetery.  Cemeteries are not just for people, pets also have cemeteries. Most states have cemeteries for pets. The advantage to a pet cemetery is that you don't have to worry about the maintenance of the land. This is great for older people or people with disabilities.

Taking the time to consider your options will help you cut cost. Don't worry your pet won't know the difference. The most important part is that you will have memorial. You will now be able to remember all the great times you shared with your pet.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What are the The Five Stages Of Dying?

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

The Kubler-Ross model or also know as The Five Stages of Dying are the stages that everyone goes though when they deal with a traumatic experience.The Kubler-Ross model was developed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who is best remembered by her book, " On Death and Dying ".

Some examples of the Kubler-Ross model included the death of a loved one,recently diagnosed terminal ill patients, drug abuse and divorce. The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.You might not be aware that your going though the stages , but everyone goes though them.

The example I'm going to use to explain the Kubler-Ross model is going to be the terminal ill patient.


The dying feel that it's not their time to leave. They feel fine and that it should be someone else that should die


Anger sets in after denial.  The person no longer denies their future death. The dying becomes anger and wants to fine some thing to blame. 


Bargaining is the stage were the dying wants to change past mistakes. Sometimes the dying try to bargain with god so they can make sure their cat will be taken care of. The person is aware of their death but still wants more time on Earth.


The dying realizes there is nothing that can be done to save their life. The ill person becomes depressed. This stage helps the dying release their emotions and accept death.


The terminal ill patient knows that he or she is going to die. The dying accepts their fate.

Overall, acceptance of death is very important not just for the terminal ill patient but also for the family. The family will know that their loved one is going to be ok. Also, living a positive lifestyle will help you when get though hard times .

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Have you ever wondered why people commit suicide? People commit suicide over small and larger problems. People feel that their lives are no longer livable, so there for death is the only option. Below I'm going to list some of the reasons people commit suicide. 

- Depression

- Economical hardships

- Loss of a loved one

- Stress

Understanding some of these problems above will help you get help for your loved one. Some problems might seem small on the outside but inside it's killing the person. Also, understanding how to deal with the suicidal will make it easier for you to help them.

- Always take a suicide threat seriously

- Never tell a person to kill themselves

- Always understand where the person is coming from

- Never think there isn't hope for the suicidal

- Ask help from other people in your area

- Always listen to what the person has to say

According to Robert J, Kastenbaum the author of Death,Society and Human Experience, the most important rule in helping a suicidal individual is to listen to them. 

"Effective Listening is not passive. It is an intent, self-giving action that shows the troubled person that you are there and provides an opportunity for the person to start build trust and self-confidence"(226).

Helping a suicidal person may be the best decision that you might ever make. If you know someone that is suicidal and your afraid to talk to them you can always call the National Suicidal Lifeline 1-800-273-8255.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Green Life , Green Death

Today, more people strive to live a green lifestyle. Also, more people are recycling plastic materials and using renewable energy more then ever before. We have all thought about the green lifestyle, but did you ever think about a green funeral?

How can people have a green death? Having a green funeral has many benefits. Just like a green life style , green funerals can help cut cost and also help preserve our planet. According to, the first step of a green funeral is to seek wise advice.

1. Find a funeral home that has a green funeral service
    - be picky there are many funeral homes

2. Tell the funeral director exactly what you want in  your loved ones funeral
    - be specific in your wishes

3. You can either cremated the dead or bury the body
    - use bio-degradable coffins or urns.

4. Find a proper burial spot
    - Green Burial Counsil is creating green cemeteries across the United States

5. Mark the grave
   - use a bio-degradable marker

6. Give green gifts to people that have attended the funeral
   - recycled thank you letters

7. Make the items you hand out for the funeral are green
   - organic drinks, recycled paper, etc

8. Your loved one has had their final wish and now they will be one with the Earth.

Educating yourself on green funerals will help prevent any extra cost. There are many books on green funerals, check out your local library. Never use a funeral home that will not work with your wishes. Now everyone can live a green life and a green death.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How to prevent a preventable death

Everyday were surrounded with death. Did you ever wonder what the leading preventable cause of death was?

According to our graph, tobacco smoke is the number one killer. Smoking kills over 400,000 people a year. Smoking is very addictive and dangerous. We should avoid at all cost.

The second preventable cause of death is excessive weight problems. Over 200,000 people die each year because of weight problems. Simple exercise and a healthy diet could help regulate weight gain. The third preventable death is alcohol. Alcohol kills over 80,000 people each year. Alcohol is just like tobacco smoke in the sense that it’s highly addictive and dangerous.

Infectious disease is number four on our list. Living in a world were infectious diseases does not exist would be ideal. The reality of the fact is that we are surrounded with hundreds of infectious diseases. Keeping infected people quarantined and using safety precautions can help cut down the number of people getting infected.

Toxin death is number five on our list, followed by motor vehicle accidents at number six. Following simple directions on a cleaning product can save your life. Motor vehicle deaths are preventable if people learned how to drive properly.

Firearms death is number seven on our list. Learning how to properly use a gun and were to properly store it can help save many lives. Sexually transmitted diseases is second to last on our list. Wearing a condom and not having sex with strangers will help reduce these risks.

Lastly on our list is drug abuse.  Drug counseling and drug prevention programs might help prevent deaths or it might not. You can only help yourself to stop using drugs.  Think before you act. You have the power to prevent societies preventable deaths.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What is your defination of life after death?

Is this life after death?
Life after death is a question all of us 
have different answers too.  
One person may feel death 
is the end of a life.On the 
other hand, another person
may feel that death is a start
of something new and exciting. 

According to Stanford Encyclopedia of 
Philosophy, death is defined as ,
"death is the ending of the vital
processes by which an organism
sustains itself."Death is the end 
of our lives.  Our hearts will 
no longer pump blood. Life as 
we know it has ended.  The 
definition of death mention above 
is what society wants us to believe.

What if death isn't the end?  What if your soul lives on after death.  Believing in a higher power might be your view of life after death.  Someone else in society might believe that there is endless seafood buffet waiting for them. There are so many different ways  to look at death in a positive way. Thinking positively will make your thoughts of fate less stressful.

Some people might even view after death as a skeleton laying on a slab of stone. The skeleton is still here but the soul is gone. In addition, another view might be that the soul is now trapped inside the skeleton for some unknown reason. There isn't a straight answer for life after death, there is only speculations. Importantly, one thing we know is that death will happen to all of us. We will only learn the truth about life after death when it happens to us .