In this video, a funeral director from Philadelphia is charged with illegally harvesting body parts. James Mccafter sold the bodies for $1,000 each. The cutters that cut up the bodies sold the parts to hospitals.Also, James lied to the cutters and told them that the bones of the bodies did not have disease but in fact they all had diseases. The families of the deceased were in complete shock.
The family members learned that the bones of the bodies had been replaced with pvc piping. The families now grieve over the fact that their loved ones remains were desecrated. Wendy Kogut told reporters that she could not believe that someone could commit a crime against her loved one. Alister Cook, the host of Masterpiece Theater, was one of the victims in this scam.
Micheal Mureno was the ringleader of the funeral home scam in New York and Pennsylvania. Micheal was charge with 16 counts in New York. Mr. Muereno will face court in Pennslyvania next month. Also, Lee Curseta the former nurse, found the people to cut up the bodies.
I heard about this.....everthing is about making money...what if someone did this to their grandfathers body???? Some how people have to have some type of consious..this is morally wrong!!!