- Depression
- Economical hardships
- Loss of a loved one
- Stress
Understanding some of these problems above will help you get help for your loved one. Some problems might seem small on the outside but inside it's killing the person. Also, understanding how to deal with the suicidal will make it easier for you to help them.
- Always take a suicide threat seriously
- Never tell a person to kill themselves
- Always understand where the person is coming from
- Never think there isn't hope for the suicidal
- Ask help from other people in your area
- Always listen to what the person has to say
According to Robert J, Kastenbaum the author of Death,Society and Human Experience, the most important rule in helping a suicidal individual is to listen to them.
"Effective Listening is not passive. It is an intent, self-giving action that shows the troubled person that you are there and provides an opportunity for the person to start build trust and self-confidence"(226).
Helping a suicidal person may be the best decision that you might ever make. If you know someone that is suicidal and your afraid to talk to them you can always call the National Suicidal Lifeline 1-800-273-8255.
Thank You, I enjoyed reading your blog on suicide.It is hard when you are close to people who have ended there lives. A temorary situation seems so permant. Most problems can be solved and situation will pass. Life is difficult. Please talk to someone reach out!