Sunday, September 26, 2010

How to prevent a preventable death

Everyday were surrounded with death. Did you ever wonder what the leading preventable cause of death was?

According to our graph, tobacco smoke is the number one killer. Smoking kills over 400,000 people a year. Smoking is very addictive and dangerous. We should avoid at all cost.

The second preventable cause of death is excessive weight problems. Over 200,000 people die each year because of weight problems. Simple exercise and a healthy diet could help regulate weight gain. The third preventable death is alcohol. Alcohol kills over 80,000 people each year. Alcohol is just like tobacco smoke in the sense that it’s highly addictive and dangerous.

Infectious disease is number four on our list. Living in a world were infectious diseases does not exist would be ideal. The reality of the fact is that we are surrounded with hundreds of infectious diseases. Keeping infected people quarantined and using safety precautions can help cut down the number of people getting infected.

Toxin death is number five on our list, followed by motor vehicle accidents at number six. Following simple directions on a cleaning product can save your life. Motor vehicle deaths are preventable if people learned how to drive properly.

Firearms death is number seven on our list. Learning how to properly use a gun and were to properly store it can help save many lives. Sexually transmitted diseases is second to last on our list. Wearing a condom and not having sex with strangers will help reduce these risks.

Lastly on our list is drug abuse.  Drug counseling and drug prevention programs might help prevent deaths or it might not. You can only help yourself to stop using drugs.  Think before you act. You have the power to prevent societies preventable deaths.

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