Sunday, November 28, 2010

Do you fear death?

Recently, I asked a bunch of people I work with on their view of death. Most people told me that they fear death. They said, every time they think about death they get extremely anxious. This shock's me since I have never feared death. I feel death will be the release from a stressful life.

Most people fear death because their afraid of the unknown. Also, people that have committed crimes and other offenses feel that their souls will go to hell. Others are fearful because of the family they will leave behind. Accomplishment also has a lot to do with death anxiety. Individuals that accomplished nothing with their lives will fear death more then the person that has done a lot in life.

Way's one can get over death anxiety are very easy. Accept death,give yourself time to accept your own fate. Do not alienate the dying, they are people too. Help those who are dying, this might help you understand your own death. Most importantly, live everyday like it's your last. Living a life to the fullest will make you a better person. Following these basic steps many the person who fears death little. If you are having major problems deal with the thought of death then it's time to talk to a professional.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Child's View Of Death

Below, I'm I posted a video of "Lucky's Funeral",the video shows how a child learns a proper way of death. Children usual experience death by the death of an animal. This video shows a little girl saying goodbye to her pet fish.

The father video tapes and the little girl talks about her dead fish. Children that learn how to deal with death at an early age find it easier to deal with death as an adult. The child talks about how the fish was a good fish while it was alive. She keeps mentioning the word "dead". 

I think she knows what death is. Most children her age believe that the animal is not truly dead. They believe that the animal will return when they wake up the next day. She said, that she will always have the fish forever because she has a picture of it.

I like how the family makes a joke out of it. I think this makes it easier for the child. The funeral process for the fish was more of a celebration then a mourning process. Tell me what you think?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A wrong way to take care of the dead

In this video, a funeral director from Philadelphia is charged with illegally harvesting body parts. James Mccafter sold the bodies for $1,000 each. The cutters that cut up the bodies sold the parts to hospitals.Also, James lied to the cutters and told them that the bones of the bodies did not have disease but in fact they all had diseases. The families of the deceased were in complete shock. 
The family members learned that the bones of the bodies had been replaced with pvc piping. The families now grieve over the fact that their loved ones remains were desecrated.  Wendy Kogut told reporters that she could not believe that someone could commit a crime against her loved one. Alister Cook, the host of Masterpiece Theater, was one of the victims in this scam.
Micheal Mureno was the ringleader of the funeral home scam in New York and Pennsylvania. Micheal was charge with 16 counts in New York. Mr. Muereno will face court in Pennslyvania next month. Also, Lee Curseta the former nurse, found the  people to cut up the bodies.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saving on the basic funeral costs

Does anyone think about how much their funeral is going to cost? Of course not, who wants to think about their funeral.But if your still interested, I will share the cost of a cheap funeral. There are many ways a person can save on funeral cost.

Most families that have an open casket will have embalming done to the deceased. Embalming cost around $185-$990 (Despedler,Strickland 289). If you do not want to have an open casket , you can eliminate the cost of embalming.

The next step in saving money at a funeral is to buy the cheapest casket. Some funeral homes sell the same casket for twice the price. The average  casket cost is around $2,300 (Despendler, Strickland 292). You can always get a cheaper casket that is made out of press board.

Shopping around for the best funeral cost will help you save the most money. Do not let funeral directors talk you into buying the most expensive items. Remember, the funeral director knows your vulnerable and will try to get the most money out of you.